Nothing shows how brave you are like challenging gravity. No matter how much training, how brave or courageous, jumping off a ledge and free falling is scary--EVERY TIME. While this sh#t is terrifying yes, statistically speaking, it’s pretty safe. According to business insider, the chances of you splatting on the asphalt from a bungee jump are about 1 in 500,000.
But statistics aside, when you plummet off a ledge towards jagged rocks, your brain instinctively knows to clear those bowels and prepare for the end. While any bungee jump is pretty extreme, here's our list of bungee jumps across the globe that are SO extreme, you'll poop your pants:
Bungee Adventures in Northern California
In Humboldt California, the jump master packs a backpack with bungee gear, loads it on your back, and you climb yourself and equipment up a 200 foot redwood tree. That's scary enough on its own, but the real adrenaline comes when you jump yourself back down from whence you came.
Max Weight: ?
Cost: $200
Niouc Bridge Val d’Anniviers, Switzerland
The Niouc Bridge, in Switzerland stretches across the beautiful valley of Val d’Anniviers. Look up and you’ll see towering 13,000 foot snow tipped mountains all around, but look down—it’s just a shallow stream and jagged rocks. Most people poop their pants just looking over the edge, but the guarantee diaper change is the jump. It’s the highest suspension bridge jump in all of Europe—656 feet.
Cost: $220 USD
Max Weight: 255 pounds
Taupo Bungee, New Zealand
This 154 foot bungee free fall might have you thinking, “Well at least it’s not as high as the other spots.” Well think again, the thrill with this jump, you actually touch the water below. You tell the jump master your preference for how far you want to fall, and they’ll adjust the bungee so that just your hands, your head, or your whole body touch the water below. At Taupo Bungee, when you jump, you jump ALL the way down.
Max Weight: 397lbs.
Cost: $125 USD
Last Resort Bridge, Nepal
Located near the Tibet/Nepal border, the Last Resort Bridge stretches over the Bhoti Kosi River. For those that aren’t afraid to bargain hunt for their bungee jump, we’ve found the deal of the century. For around 100 USD, you can jump 528 feet off the only privately owned bridge in the country.
Max Weight: 230 lb
Cost: $108 USD
Macau Tower, China
Step One- figure out where Macau is (off the southern coast of China, they speak Portuguese and Chinese there, and it's the largest gambling hub in the world...way bigger than Las Vegas!)
Step Two- go to Macau and jump off the world’s highest bungee jump;
Step Three- change your underpants (they will be chock full).
Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest bungee jump in the world-- 764 feet high, jumpers can expect around 7 seconds of free fall. But bring your check book—to experience this rush costs 433 big ones!
cost: $433 USD
Max Weight: 275 lbs
Victoria Falls Bridge, Zimbabwe
At 364 feet, the height alone is enough to poop your pants, but your bungee cord snapping? Yep, that's a guaranteed soiling. At the Victoria Falls Bridge in Zimbabwe, the line snapped and this girl (with her feet tied together) fell around 300 feet into the crocodile infested waters below AND survived! (So you know she pooped her pants for sure)
Cost: $160 per person
Max Weight: 265 pounds
Heard of a bungee jump that should have made our list?! Let us know in the comments and we'll update it immediately! Thanks for reading and sharing!